Pigeon Skins - Player Models

"Coothulhu" pigeon model

"Coothulhu" pigeon model

"Metalhead" pigeon model

"Metalhead" pigeon model

"Crow Minimus" model - a possible reward for defeating Crow Magnus

"Crow Minimus" model - a possible reward for defeating Crow Magnus

Feather color material swaps I made for our player character model.

Feather color material swaps I made for our player character model.

Coothulhu skin hi-resolution sculpt

Coothulhu skin hi-resolution sculpt

Pigeon skins in-game

Pigeon skins in-game

Pigeon Skins - Player Models

I created full model swap player skins and basic material variations for our Pigeon while working on Pigeon Simulator! The original pigeon model was created by Jeremy Wynn, and I later did a detail sculpting pass on it and created new player models based on it. I created custom feather IMM and alpha brushes that I used throughout our bird characters to keep details cohesive.